asset search & recovery
We track money and other holdings, and discover the people behind various schemes to hide them. Mapping the players and their relationship with hidden assets, we develop targeted recovery plans.
Our reports identify and analyze:
We worked with attorneys in a fast-paced effort to find and secure assets of a known fraudster, while documenting his ties to a Russian trust.
In addition to homes and cars, we identified 25 fraudulent businesses, most of them linked to a health care scam involving “fake” medical offices that billed for services never rendered. Running these sham practices were a loose-knit group of corrupt physicians and entrepreneurs with histories of disciplinary action, public reprimands, forged patient signatures and falsified medical records. All were tied to our fraudster through jointly-owned properties or business entities.
Millions of dollars flowed in and out of these entities, which were tied to other “fake” medical enterprises folded into scores of businesses.
In a key find, we unmasked the mastermind of this scam, a former physician who was running the operation from his jail cell while serving time for Conspiracy to Commit Health Care Fraud. Our work led to his being charged with a second felony. His jailhouse operation was shut down.
Eventually, a team of experts discovered that instead of the purported $52 million balance sheet our clients were relying on, there was a daily balance that never got much over $117,000. We traced the CEO and documented his cars, homes and lavish gifts to his parents and girlfriend, some of the largesse proudly posted to social media.
With the help of forensic accountants and our own internal resources, we followed the money and the business flow to Zurich and an annulled Marshall Islands entity. Our work was done before regulators cracked down.
The examiner had bank records showing $5 million per month being funneled into one gas station, but had no knowledge of any of the “players.” We pieced together the complex network of individuals and financial interrelationships tied to this single location.