high profile personalities

Wealth makes you a target. The greater your assets, the more important it is to vet and monitor every deal and every person who handles your money, even those you trust the most.

Our wealthy high-visibility clients have a unique set of vulnerabilities. Discretion is critical as we vet offers, investments and advice, identifying those, including friends and family, whose aim is exploitation. We also discreetly investigate family and personal matters.

Our team handles:

  • Fact finding, verification and documentation
  • Complex domestic and international investigations
  • Obtaining confidential, hard-to-get information
  • Estate issues
  • Complex financial fraud
  • Relationship mapping
  • “Blind” Interviews
  • Hidden Assets
  • Lifestyle analysis
  • Family and personal relationships
  • Investor fraud
Case Files

Estate Fraud

We investigated the long-trusted advisor of one of the earliest Hollywood entertainment families, who had enticed these luminaries to hand over their wealth to him. We discovered that this trustee had seduced multiple Hollywood families in similar plots that had made him rich at their expense.

Found Tycoon’s Missing
Daughter Living on Streets

To be a person of means is to enjoy not only the benefits of wealth but also to contend with its limitations. Access to significant sums can trigger poor lifestyle choices in family members, choices it takes more than money to overcome.

One of the world’s wealthiest businessmen turned to us when he could not locate his daughter, who had a history of drug use and time in prison. He needed her cooperation in a time-sensitive family legal matter.

Within two days, our team located the drug-impaired daughter and her husband living on the streets of Southern California. We did this through a combination of surveillance, social media searches, use of proprietary databases, and “blind” and in-person interviews with family members, former landlords, and street people.

The NBA Star
Who Didn’t Listen

We vetted a multi-million-dollar investment touted to a sport’s icon by his trusted advisers and friends. We provided documentation showing that the “Westchester investment banker” handling the deal was actually an actor with no investment experience or real ties to the polo set except in glossy tabloid photos, and that his New York “high-society wife” had mysteriously emerged from a background of trailer park-living and a career as a hairdresser.

But our client gambled on the fake banker’s sleekly packaged pitch instead of the facts – and lost millions. The moral: pressure to go along with “trusted advisers” may overcome good judgment and facts obtained from credible and reputable unbiased sources. To get the benefit of background intelligence, you have to use it.